Photos, numbers and thanks

10 Aug 2024 - WMOC info

Thank you to all the participants, volunteers, and sponsors for making an unforgettable WMOC 2024! WMOC 2024 was an exceptional orienteering event in many ways, and the following numbers are an indication of the scale of the event.

WMOC in numbers

4259 WMOC competitors from
42 different countries
76 world champions
215 medalists
721 Fin5 participants from
28 different countries
65,000 maps
665 controls
340 courses

All of this was made possible by around 600 volunteers. A big thank you to everyone who took time to help in organising the races.


Over the course of the week nearly 7000 photos were taken by volunteer photographers. Return to the atmosphere of the races and take a look to see if you can spot yourself and your friends on the Photos page (News -> Photos)!

Merja Rantanen and Sole Nieminen (Photo by Ilkka Metsälä)
Merja Rantanen and Sole Nieminen (Photo by Ilkka Metsälä)


Finally, we encourage you to leave us feedback by filling out the feedback form if you haven’t done so yet! It doesn’t take long and it helps us to improve events in the Turku area and pass on valuable information to the organisers of the next WMOC races. You will also have the chance to win WMOC products or a gift card to the Turku City Theater by participating.

Feedback form