Check and update your Emit eCard number!

10 Jul 2024 - WMOC info

We are still missing the Emit card number from 401 different runners. For some we zeroed out the number entered to Eventor, as it was clearly a mistyped or wrong model based on the number. Also, apparently some Finnish runners also expect the eCard number comes from the system as in national competitions.

Handling all these emit card changes during the sprint qualification would be a disaster for the organizers, so pretty please, even if you think you already submitted your eCard, check your Emit card number from the link below. If possible, check the situation of your spouse, club mate and other good friends!

Proceed to WMOC entry details and emit changes

If the listing says your number is correct, or “rental” you are secured. Thank you for checking anyways!

Help!? It is wrong or missing!

No worries, clicking the first column in the web page linked above takes you to a form where you can fill in the correct number. You should also use it if you bought a WMOC 2024 branded special competition card and your new card number is not in the listing.

Submitting via this form is free of charge before the competition days and helps our organization a ton. Thanks in advance! During the competition days, we will charge 10 € for changing the number.

Oops, I don’t have one!?

No worries, but it is best to prepare yourself now! For the largest ever World Masters Games in orienteering, we have already rented 1650 Emit cards (Fin 5 combined). Because of the huge interest, we are pretty much out of our stash of rental cards generously provided by Emit. The best option at this point is to navigate to Suunnistajan Kauppa, and buy a brand new WMOC 2024 branded eCard, already before the competitions. If you live outside the EU, the same product is available directly via Emit.

You’ll get the latest and greatest (blinking) model for the World Masters game and it will serve you (or your friends) for years in upcoming events like the Jukola relay. If you bought one, please submit the number to the system ASAP!

I have one, but haven’t used it for a while

Emit suggests renewing the card every 5 years. Even if you have a rather fresh model, it would be good to use your existing eCard in some local event before traveling. Just before the races on Thursday and Friday, when picking up your material from competition info, there will also be a short Emit test course available. Test the functionality and the correct number latest by then!

Matti Tahvonen, IT manager, WMOC 2024